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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why the Best Thing You Can Do For Your Site is to Have a Google Webmasters Account

Why the Best Thing You Can Do For Your Site is to Have a Google Webmasters Account
By []Albert Fang

In terms of search engine optimization with the big "G", Google, what is better than to join their webmasters program. The big G is like the fundamental success story in which it provides sites exposure to possibly reach out to potential buyers from all over the web, but to do that you must learn from the big "G" it self.

What is Google Webmasters

The Google webmasters was originally developed to help webmasters like you and me to focus on and also work on what we want our sites to achieve in the search engines. Google created webmasters to easily guide webmasters on what they need to improve, and how they can fundamental rank better in the Google's search engine. The program provides your site in depth details of what Google spider bots are looking for in each individual site, and also notifies webmasters if there is any internal problems crawling your site. Remember the key is to have an error proof site that Google bots can easily index through your site or else it your sites' pages won't be indexed at all, and possibly won't even receive a page ranking. (Note: In order to have a page rank, a Google bot must index the page first, so getting as many top contenders pages indexed is really valuable) Not only does Google's webmaster program grant webmasters the ability to see what's the problem of their website, but they also provide tools in which you can see what are your top search queries that people are finding you and who is linking to your site.

Google Webmasters and Keywords Optimization

Keyword optimization is a mystery for most webmasters, however, it isn't anymore. In terms of looking what are your site's top queries, Google's webmasters also provides you information on what keywords you are potentially ranking in with probably the most useful tool of them all, What the Googlebot Sees. It provides you snippets of keywords as to what your site is most likely to be ranked on in the search engines. Remember that Google only pulls out keywords from all of your site's content, so if you see that the keywords are somewhat irrelevant from your site's main theme, you got to do some more work and focus on writing content revolving around keywords you want to rank on. The Googlebot's has two sources in order to describe which keywords your site will be ranked on, the keywords from your site's contents and the keywords from external links.

(External links means links outside of your site linking to you) You want to try to get both of the lists from your site's content and from links out side of your site to have keywords that support each other, and not the other way around. The more they validate each other, the more likely your site will be ranked on keywords that match your site's true theme. You can read more about how to find the best lists of keywords for your site to rank in, in our most recent post here.

The Google search engine was only developed to provide surfers the ability to surf sites that best fit the users' queries, and it will be that way. So in order to rank well, you must gather statistics from Google's webmasters tool and optimize for your site's main keywords all together with the essence of getting link backs. In a way, the more focused your site is, the more likely Google will lead your site to it's true potential with it's webmasters tool.

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