One Stop Internet Business Article Resource Center

Monday, April 20, 2009

Website Promotion Tips - New Online Business Tips

A plan for success is necessary for any business. Part of the plan should include your search marketing strategy. The strategy should show you are targeting a large enough market. Searching Google, Yahoo and MSN will show your competitors for that search term.

After analysis of your market you should know that your market you are targeting is big enough. For a newbie, aim for a market that has about 10,000 searches a month. After all you do not want to compete in a market that has millions of searches a month as you will have a lot of competitors in that market.

In the end your plan is to only compete against the 10 competitors on the first page of your keyword search term. To compete strongly against these competitors you need to do the following well.

1. Your website needs to standout or be better presented then your competitors. This helps the reader remember your website against your competition. They are more likely to stay on your website rather than move on.

2. Your promotion either thru search engine marketing or paid ads like pay-per-click puts your website on the first page of your keyword term.

3. So that search engines can find you organically optimize your website. This is known as either S.E.O. or search engine optimization.

To have a successful online business you need to do the market research, research the market trends of your niche and with that go a competition analysis. Like an offline business you need to plan your business and work the plan. After all how can you reach your goal if you do not set your goal or plan in place in the first place?

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Joe Sperka has escaped the 9-to-5 rut and is teaching others to do the same.

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