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Monday, April 13, 2009

How to Make Videos That Sell

Video marketing is a fantastic way to drive traffic to your website and make sales. But, it is sometimes difficult to understand how to make a video that actually sells. So, in this article I want to discuss three ways you can improve your video marketing response by just adding a couple techniques into your videos.

1. The Lower Third

Whenever you produce your videos and upload them to the major video sharing sites, you want to make sure that you always include a lower third in your videos.

A lower third is simply a way to brand your website in the video. All you need to do is add your website link in the lower portion of the video. Here is an example of what I'm talking about. Imagine your video is split into three parts. The first part being your head the second part being your body, and the third part being the lower region of the video.

It is in that third area, the lower region of the video, that you want to put your website address.

Make this visible throughout the entire video. This will greatly increase your chances of getting people to click through and go to your website. Or if there is no way for them to click through they can then remember that website and manually go to it.

2. Your Website Address

Whenever you are doing your video you want to make sure that you say your website address multiple times throughout the video. This is how I like to do it and have been getting really good results with it. When I start the video I state my name and my website address, that is telling them who I am and where I'm from. Then, I will continue with what I need to say. At about the halfway point I will remind them again what websites you go to to get more information

Then, when I am finishing up the article I tell them to go to my website for more information. The very last mention of your website is the most important. You want to make sure that you include a call to action. Don't simply tell them your website address is so-and-so. You want to make sure that you tell them to go to your website.

3. Do Not Bore the Audience

You want to make sure that you are somewhat entertaining in your videos. The best way to do this is to be quick, concise, and to the point. The faster you speak the more people pay attention to you. I do not know the psychology behind that but it works.

So, whenever you are recording a video you want to make sure that you talk at an above average pace.

There are just just three techniques I use to increase conversions in my videos. You can rearrange your videos in many different ways. So, I would suggest experimenting and figure out what works best for you. The main point here though is that you start. Start making your videos so you can start driving traffic and sales to your websites.

Next, if you want to discover how to create killer videos that convert into cash go check out my []Video Marketing site right now.

Plus, if you want to learn how to create videos that will make you money without putting your mug on a camera check out the video at our []Video Marketing site.

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for the comprehensive information with regards to to make videos that sell. Appreciate it
