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Monday, April 13, 2009

Using Stumble and Other Social Bookmarking For Promotion

Stumbling has taken on a very different meaning over the last year or so. It hit the web hard, and has been a massive source of traffic for many a site since. By it's very design it makes it easy to promote your own sites. All you need to do is hit the I like it button. Since it's release a number of other similar sites have emerged, but they all follow the same basic principle.

The point of these sites is to allow their users to share bookmarks. Thus the name, social bookmarking. however using them efficiently, is not as simple as just bookmarking your sites pages and hoping a bunch of traffic follows. You actually need to build up your accounts with these sites.

Over time, as your account gathers fans, and gains some weight to back it up, your submissions will start to attract a lot of traffic. I have found the best method for using these sites is to bookmark one of your pages, gor every three to five other pages you book mark. Since you ultimately want to bookmark every single page that has anything to do with your site, this can take a good deal of time.

However, the benifits far outweigh the loss of time. A strong stumble or Delicious account can bring a flood of new traffic to your sites. Like any tool, it should not be overlooked. You just need to remember to build up your account, and you will be fine.

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