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Monday, April 20, 2009

Eight Characteristics of a Good Website

Is your website producing the results you hoped for? Are you serious about the effectiveness of your online investment? This article explains eight basic ingredients of a successful website. Take note, because missing an ingredient can result in a poor aftertaste for your website visitors.

1. Original, Fresh Content
Content is king in the web world. People visit websites for the primary purpose of finding content, so make sure you deliver. Website content should be unique and up to date. Fresh content will keep visitors and search engines coming back for more. Don't forget to proofread!

2. Target Audience
From a quick scan of your website, visitors should be able to determine what you offer and how you can benefit them. A good website will have headlines and text that speaks to the target audience's needs and wants. Many websites simply list what their company does without saying how they can benefit their target audience. Keep your audience in mind when designing your website to be sure that it will appeal to them and encourage them to take action (whether that is to submit a contact form, sign up for a newsletter or buy a product).

3. User-Friendly Navigation
A good website has content that is easy to find. Pages should be organized and named in a way that the target audience will easily understand. For instance, a services page would be better labeled "Services" than "Business Solutions." Keep your navigation consistent from page to page to avoid any possible confusion. Double check all your links to make sure they are working. Make sure that your most popular content is no more than a click away from your homepage. If your website has a lot of content, provide a search box so visitors can quickly find what they are looking for.

4. Simple and Professional Design
A good website will have an attractive layout that is easy on the eyes. Be sure your colors contrast well and your text doesn't require a magnifying glass to read. Personally, I can't stand reading large amounts of content written in white on a black background. It strains my eyes. Reducing the contrast a bit can help (light grey text on dark grey background).

Lots of text can overwhelm a user. Breaking up text into subheads and bullet points will improve the layout of the page and make the text more scannable. No one has time to read every word on a page.

Use design elements to draw attention to or to enhance the content of a page. With every design element added, take a step back and make sure it serves a purpose and does not detract from the usability of the site. Put things where users expect them to be. However, do try to make your website look unique. Just remember that simple, professional design will be much more effective than flashy, overcrowded design.

5. Speed
How many seconds will you wait for a page to load before you give up and leave a website? Many factors can affect the loading time of a website including coding, number of graphics, the server speed, traffic volume on the website and the capabilities of a user's computer.

Make sure your server has the proper amount of space/bandwidth for your website and that your website code is lightweight. Use large graphics sparingly. Use CSS styles in place of graphics where possible. Waiting for large graphics or a fancy flash animation to load on each page will surely turn away some visitors.

6. Search engine optimization
SEO is one of the most commonly neglected aspects of a website, but a website is useless if no one can find it. Think about the keywords that users may search for to find a product or service you offer. Do some research to see how often those keywords are searched for through a tool like Google's Keyword Tool. Use keywords in titles, meta tags, headings, file names and in the content of your site. Search engine optimization can mean the difference between getting 500 visitors a month and 500+ visitors a day.

7. Link building
Links are an important factor in determining where your website appears in search engine results. Find as many legitimate sites as you can that will link you your website. Add your link to your business profile in directories like Google Local, Yahoo! Local, Merchant Circle, Insider Pages, Yellow Pages, LinkedIn and more. Submit articles and PR to sites that will include a link back to your website. The best way to get links to your site, however, is to provide unique and interesting content that people want to link to. You can make it easy for them to share your content by providing links or buttons such as the button.

8. Tracking
A good website is a work in progress. A nice tool like Google Analytics will keep track of the number of people who come to your website, what pages they viewed, where they came from, what keywords they used in search engines, how many left after the first page and more. Unlike other media, websites can be easily tracked to see what is working and what isn't. This data will help you to improve the quality and structure of your site.

Remember to include these characteristics in your next website design project. A professional-looking website with interesting content that is easy to navigate and can be found in search engines is sure to bring value to your business.

Mandy Porta is the owner of Success Designs, an []Ascension/Baton Rouge website design and marketing firm that creates custom, conversion-focused websites and marketing materials including brochures, logos, catalogs, email campaigns and more. More articles can be found at the SuccessBlog, a []marketing resource for small businesses.

Website Promotion Tips - New Online Business Tips

A plan for success is necessary for any business. Part of the plan should include your search marketing strategy. The strategy should show you are targeting a large enough market. Searching Google, Yahoo and MSN will show your competitors for that search term.

After analysis of your market you should know that your market you are targeting is big enough. For a newbie, aim for a market that has about 10,000 searches a month. After all you do not want to compete in a market that has millions of searches a month as you will have a lot of competitors in that market.

In the end your plan is to only compete against the 10 competitors on the first page of your keyword search term. To compete strongly against these competitors you need to do the following well.

1. Your website needs to standout or be better presented then your competitors. This helps the reader remember your website against your competition. They are more likely to stay on your website rather than move on.

2. Your promotion either thru search engine marketing or paid ads like pay-per-click puts your website on the first page of your keyword term.

3. So that search engines can find you organically optimize your website. This is known as either S.E.O. or search engine optimization.

To have a successful online business you need to do the market research, research the market trends of your niche and with that go a competition analysis. Like an offline business you need to plan your business and work the plan. After all how can you reach your goal if you do not set your goal or plan in place in the first place?

Do you want to learn more about succeeding online? I have just the information
to teach you. Download a free copy here:

Joe Sperka has escaped the 9-to-5 rut and is teaching others to do the same.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The 5 Secrets to Targeted Traffic

Are you one of the many marketers online who are at their wits end? Have you used up every traffic avenue available and still can't get anywhere?

You might also be wondering why your ad campaigns are not working as well as your marketing strategies.
It's all traffic, it's all about making your traffic strategy work exactly for what you want to achieve.
Remember that not everyone's is going to be the same!

If you are not doing this properly then you are definitely lost and you have to find your way back to the beginning to get ready for a better future in online business.

First you need to know that the process in increasing web traffic to your website is not like you just inviting friends to go to it and sign up.

5 top tips for generating targeted traffic to your website:

• First you have to look into Search Engine Optimization or SEO. This method involves keywords and phrases that you can use to optimize your web content.

• Or, if you are good in writing, you may try Article marketing or Submission which would be beneficial by your website as an additional resource. I use Ezine articles and

• Forum Posting can also be your option as you join forums related to your niche and have your business introduced to those people who are interested with it.

• Update your mailing list and contact lists accordingly to build lasting relationships with your repeat customers.

• Lastly, you can try getting involved with Viral Marketing via using different forms of media to inform people about the existence of your business and let the spread of the word begin.

Try to keep your online business focused on hitting your target market. With the use of these five methods mentioned above. You will have a guideline on how you will go about achieving success in generating profit for your business.

Remember that traffic driving is a science, if you do certain thing in the right way by following how other successful traffic drivers have done it then you are in for quality targeted traffic also.

Ciaran Doyle is an Author, Speaker & Internet Marketer who specializes in traffic generation. His career has seen him driving targeted traffic to some of the biggest websites on the internet today. You can pick up his free 18 Part Traffic Masterclass with Mark Anastasi @

Article Marketing Made easy

Article marketing can be made easy and is powerful. The truth is...some people are just don't bother to learn.

Proof Article Marketing Works

Make Money Selling Ebooks - Anyone With an Internet Connection Can Do It

If you are going to make money selling ebooks, it will be important that you develop the tools and skills necessary to do so profitably. You will need to have interesting subject matter, and it will help you out a great deal if you have a particular niche market in mind. From those two things, write your ebook, and then comes the task of successful marketing.

Nearly anyone can make money selling online, if they participate in message forums. Create new topics that are relevant to your book, or respond with comments in a way that draws attention to what your products have to offer. Publish blog articles that are relevant to your ebooks, also. Every time you find a new chance to bring up your ebooks and put them in front of people to consider, take advantage of it. You have to reach a lot of people to sell a million copies, after all.

Obviously, we cannot guarantee that you will make money selling your work. The content of your ebook plays a large part in determining how much interest there will be. And not even the best Internet marketing firm can make a successful product out of something that no one takes the time to give a second look to. It is critical that your eBooks have a wide reader appeal in order to build up the base of people who will help you make sales by telling their friends about your products too.

You can make money selling ebooks directly from your own website, or the sites of friends. If you take the time to set up an account with PayPal, you will make it possible to get even more sales, because PayPal is one of the leading trusted money transaction site online, and is a symbol of a trusted site to many would-be shoppers. By allowing them to shop securely with their credit cards, you make your customers more willing to invest in what your products have to offer.

It is not hard to make money selling info products, if you have a little writing talent, and the time to put together some interesting subjects. What you write about is completely up to you, and you will even have a lot of control in which groups of people will be targeted as your primary sales audience. There is no medium like the Internet, and how you choose to use it is best decided by the sales goals you set for yourself.

If you want to discover a quick and effective way to []make money online all you have to do is []Click Here.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Make Money Submitting Articles!

Some webmasters try to use articles from free content directories to get visitors to their site and make some money. This is mostly important for those who have just begun working as an affiliate for several companies and do not yet have any funding, yet need to build small niche websites to get visitors to their site so that they can begin making revenue.

Although this can sometimes be the only option for those who are running on a non-existent budget, it is not a way that will effectively build your website or revenue. There are a few potential reasons why this may be detrimental to your business building efforts.

Problem #1 - Search Engines

Search engines will only look down upon your site if it has the exact same duplicated content than other sites. The more sites that share your content, the less it will help you achieve good search engine rankings.

Good search engine rankings are essential in getting visitors to your sit so that they have a chance to click on your affiliate links. If you cannot even get visitors, then will never make an revenue. Working on the search engine optimization of your site so that you will eventually be high enough in the results to get customers, should be priority one.

Problem #2 - Getting visitors to click

Although getting your site high on search engine result pages and acquiring site visitors is hard work, unfortunately this is only half of the battle. You must also be able to convince those visitors to click on your affiliate links. If your visitors see the same content they have seen on a multitude of other sites, they will be least likely to click on your links. This is because most people want to buy things that are recommended by people that they trust or whom they feel like are an expert on the subject.

If your content is just duplicated from other sites, you will be exposed as someone who does not really know what they are talking about and therefore will not look heavily on your product recommendations. This will reduce the number of website visitors who will be willing to click through.

Problem #3 - Author Bylines

Most free content is only given to you if you agree to place the authors byline under the article (you can get into trouble if you try to use it without following the stipulated rules). This poses a problem because most author bylines include links. When a reader gets done reading a really intriguing article, there is a strong possibility that they will click on the author's byline link rather than your affiliate links. This is the entire reason why these authors offer free content to begin with, so that they may get their name and links out there to the public. Using this type of content may mean shooting yourself in the foot and losing possible profitable website visitors.

Once you put these three problems together, you are looking at a serious decline in revenue simply because you used free website content from article directories. Although it may be the only option for some, if you have the funds to buy your own original content, then you should go this route. If you don't have the finds, however, you may be better off writing your own content and then hiring professional services once you have made a profit to work with.

Get your Article Submitter Ebook, a $19.95 Value for FREE at
Click on Free Media Tools.
Best Regards, Craig Potter

Organic SEO Steps to Page One of Google

Organic SEO is the natural listings of website URLs on search engines. The order represents the most popular reader preferences. These listings are found on the left side of most search engines with PPC listings usually down the right side of a search engine results page.

Anytime a website achieves a page one organic search engine listing, web traffic is significantly increased. This increase is so profound that websites on page two usually receive less than half as much traffic. Many readers do not trust sites until they see them on page one of their search engine.

The fight to the top of search engines most be planned and executed with the readers preference in mind. Every search engine has their own sets of algorithms. But, the bottom line to any search is reader preference. There are four basic strategies that cannot be ignored, if one expects to achieve a page one organic ranking:

1- The first is a keyword effectiveness index. This is a professional analytical algorithmic keyword search. This must be done to find the most effective keywords in respect to a websites ROI. This step takes a team of organized professionals that specialize in both SEO and PPC.

2- The second is professional on page search engine optimization website designing. This is a must because a website cannot be found if it is not search engine friendly. Most SEO firms do not provide adequate service for this step. The reason is that the major search engines are always changing their algorithms and the SEO firms cannot or just want try to keep up. Only the very best SEO firms in the industry can compete with this step. Google alone has changed her set of algorithms more than 400 times in the past year.

3- The third is professional writers to promote a website. It takes many articles and ads with much thought in regards to reader preference. This is a task where many professional SEO firms fall short because of the shear amount of writing that must take palace. Here again only the very best will be able to compete.

4- The fourth is in bound linking. This is needed to help readers and search engines decide the quality of a websites contribution. This is an awesome task that truly decides who sits on page one of any search engine. Also, again most SEO firms cannot compete.

Websites just do not appear on page one of any search engine anymore, without all of these steps fully and correctly completed by whoever takes the job on. The past is gone for the lone geek in his underwear putting up websites for extra income.

"Barbara Foster" []Barbara Foster Blog - Click Here: Innovative thoughts and unique ideas to get your business website highly ranked on the major search engines;

21 Year Old Entrepreneur - Internet Business

Article Marketing Service Helps Market Your Product 24-7

Article marketing is basically an advertising tool used by companies to place a short and informative message related to certain issues and products on search engine directories. This service is provided by professional search engine optimization companies. With 8-10 leading search engines available on the World Wide Web, there is always a need for well written content to add to article directories. There is so much junk floating on the web that when people search for a certain problem, many irrelevant articles pop up in response to their query. This frustrates a client and can cause them to miss out on your service or product entirely.

What an article marketing service will ensure is that your product is publicized freely over the internet through well written and attractive articles. To manage wide circulation and a good readership base, they will ensure that the articles are well written, informative and have an easy reading style. Professionalism reflected in your written piece will help gain credibility for your product and company and people will refer your site more for the value of information you offer to clients.

The reason why article marketing has become increasingly popular is because online marketing is a very strong sales medium in today's day and age. What happens is that online articles provide publishers with free written material and advertisers can then link their websites onto other sites to enjoy free publicity and advertising benefits. For novices in this area, it is recommended they try it out for their business and enjoy the results on sales generated through the free publicity.

The main factor to consider is the content and writing style of the article. It is advisable to hire professionals to do the job and if that is not possible you need to ensure that certain norms of online marketing and content development are incorporated in your written material.

Since readers will add keywords to the search engine, you want to make sure those keywords are part of your article. This will ensure that your article pops up in the search result and with an eye catching and informative headline the reader will surely want to click on it and read more. A well written article with headings and the right topic will entice readers to delve further into the text. The keywords should form part of the first paragraph of your article so that it provides instant comfort to the reader that the rest of the article will elaborate to provide information on the subject that he is searching for. Highlight the keyword which would form the problem that the client is researching on. Then develop the article into offering a solution to that issue.

Article marketing service literally offer you an automated sales solution that works in real time to inform any reader in the cyber world about your product and how it benefits them.

Amber Smith is an expert online author, actively participating in article marketing for SEO Peace. It is a committed and established []Professional SEO Company, offering affordable SEO services that cover social bookmarking, contextual link building service, manual directory submissions, []article marketing service and much more. For more information, please visit