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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Organic SEO Steps to Page One of Google

Organic SEO is the natural listings of website URLs on search engines. The order represents the most popular reader preferences. These listings are found on the left side of most search engines with PPC listings usually down the right side of a search engine results page.

Anytime a website achieves a page one organic search engine listing, web traffic is significantly increased. This increase is so profound that websites on page two usually receive less than half as much traffic. Many readers do not trust sites until they see them on page one of their search engine.

The fight to the top of search engines most be planned and executed with the readers preference in mind. Every search engine has their own sets of algorithms. But, the bottom line to any search is reader preference. There are four basic strategies that cannot be ignored, if one expects to achieve a page one organic ranking:

1- The first is a keyword effectiveness index. This is a professional analytical algorithmic keyword search. This must be done to find the most effective keywords in respect to a websites ROI. This step takes a team of organized professionals that specialize in both SEO and PPC.

2- The second is professional on page search engine optimization website designing. This is a must because a website cannot be found if it is not search engine friendly. Most SEO firms do not provide adequate service for this step. The reason is that the major search engines are always changing their algorithms and the SEO firms cannot or just want try to keep up. Only the very best SEO firms in the industry can compete with this step. Google alone has changed her set of algorithms more than 400 times in the past year.

3- The third is professional writers to promote a website. It takes many articles and ads with much thought in regards to reader preference. This is a task where many professional SEO firms fall short because of the shear amount of writing that must take palace. Here again only the very best will be able to compete.

4- The fourth is in bound linking. This is needed to help readers and search engines decide the quality of a websites contribution. This is an awesome task that truly decides who sits on page one of any search engine. Also, again most SEO firms cannot compete.

Websites just do not appear on page one of any search engine anymore, without all of these steps fully and correctly completed by whoever takes the job on. The past is gone for the lone geek in his underwear putting up websites for extra income.

"Barbara Foster" []Barbara Foster Blog - Click Here: Innovative thoughts and unique ideas to get your business website highly ranked on the major search engines;

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