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Monday, April 13, 2009

List Building to Spark Sales

If you have ever subscribed to a newsletter or accepted a 'Friend' request, then you have been on the receiving end of list building. As a marketing tool, list building is the most often used method to keep in touch with people who have shown interest in whatever it is that you are promoting. Used correctly, the list will allow you to develop on-going relationships that lead to sales.

Building an Opt-in List

In order to build a list of interested people, you need to have a way for them to join your enterprise. Provide an opt-in box on your website, newsletter, or blog that encourages visitors to subscribe to you. You will need to set up an auto-responder to collect the e-mail addresses and send out your follow-up. It is becoming more common for marketers to use a double opt-in system whereby a confirmation request is sent to the email address used on the opt-in form. This process may take a little longer but it eliminates the spam issue and guarantees that the email address provided is real.

Consistent Follow Up

Frequent, regular contact with your list helps to develop trust in you and your product or services. Just because someone has agreed to provide their email address to you does not automatically mean that they will continue to visit your enterprise. Set a schedule for contact and then keep the schedule. Deliver regular installments of your newsletter or high quality articles on topics related to your website to keep your list involved and active. As an added incentive to revisit your website, periodically offer a bonus report or other item of interest in between the regularly scheduled contact.

Treat your list of subscribers as valued customers before they buy and watch your sales increase.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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