One Stop Internet Business Article Resource Center

Monday, April 13, 2009

3 Secrets to Getting More Traffic to Your Existing Website

The #1 problem most people have is getting more qualified visitors to their website so they can buy your stuff or services. I have generated over 2,000,000 visitors to my websites and want to show you exactly how to get more visitors to your site fast!

Secret #1 - Find out Where The Crowd Is...
You need to determine where your customers are hanging out and where they go when they want to buy stuff or research things...

Chances are it is the search engines, but they could also be spending a lot of time at forums related to your market or other places. Don't just follow the crowd and do what the guru's say! Find out where they are and put your advertising in front of them... Buy an ad on the forum they go to or buy pay-per-clicks for related terms, exc.

Secret #2 - Use The Leap Frog Strategy...
What you do here is find the most popular site in your market and buy an ad on that site! Get that traffic to convert and then buy a bigger ad from that site, then you now have a relationship with the site owner and now can get him to joint venture with you and promote your site to his customers... This is a great strategy if done right.

Secret #3 - Use Warren Buffets Strategy To Get Traffic...
What is this one? Buy everyone in your market out! Sounds expensive? It's not... You probably have a lot of small sites in your market that are run by armatures who don't know what they are doing and don't make money... Offer them a few thousand dollars for the site and use that site to feed traffic to your site.

I did secret #3 in a huge market and made my investment back in 6 weeks!

To discover proof of how you can make six figures a year online in niche markets with virtually no competition - []Click Here Now to get this free insider video.

Jason Nyback is a pastor who has also build a six figure a year Internet business selling ebooks, audio programs and videos in small, passionate & 'odd' niche markets.

His websites bring in six figures a year from home using his proven techniques. []Click Here Now to get his free insider video

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